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Eyebrow Transplant


Eyebrow Transplant Treatment in Coimbatore | Eyebrow Transplant Surgery

Are you on the quest for fuller brows? Well you are in just the right place. Eyebrows are an important facial feature and essential to our appearance. Unfortunately, for some people, eyebrows can be lost due to several reasons, including:

While one could use eyebrow pencils to restore the fullness of the eyebrows or facial tattoos to create the illusion of eyebrows, an eyebrow transplant surgery can often help to restore eyebrows to appear natural and full. At Nova cosmetic surgery center, we have pioneered the eyebrow transplants to help those with low self-confidence or concerns about their eyebrows.


Who is a candidate?

Good candidates for eyebrow restoration are:

  • People who are missing their eyebrows or have experienced thinning of the eyebrows
  • Those who are in good overall health
  • Those who have enough viable hair in the back of their scalp to harvest donor follicles.
  • People who are experiencing eyebrow hair loss due to genetic factors, excessive plucking, or trauma benefit the most from the procedure.


The procedure:

During the eyebrow transplant procedure, hair follicles will be removed from a selected area on the patients scalp and skillfully transplanted into their eyebrows. The amount of hair used is determined by each individual case.

The patient will be able to leave shortly after the procedure is complete, but should have a little bit of downtime. While it is safe to return to work almost immediately, it is safe to choose to wait until any minor side effects associated with the procedure are gone.

Since the hairs transplanted into the eyebrows are from the lateral part of the patients scalp, they look and feel natural. If a normal grooming schedule is maintained, then nobody will ever know that you had an eyebrow transplant done.

The eyebrow area will be a little delicate for a few days post procedure, before quickly returning to normal. It takes around six months for the new hairs to fully settle and look their best.

As with any hair restoration procedure, having realistic expectations about treatment is an important part of recovery and patient satisfaction. 


Why choose Nova?

At Nova cosmetic surgery centre, we utilize the ground eyebrow transplant surgery as an effective way to improve your appearance. We have extensive experience in all forms of hair transplant procedures. Our goal is to make your experience as stress-free as possible, and give everything in our power to ensure you achieve your desired outcome with exceptional care. Our approach is unlike any others, combining holistic cosmetic and anti-aging procedures for an overall improvement of life.

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