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Thigh lift

Thigh lift procedure

Best Surgery Centre in Coimbatore | Thigh Lift Surgery

Are your upper legs becoming an increasingly problematic area as you age? Do your thighs remain stubbornly resistant to diet and exercise after a massive weight loss? Cellulite and excess skin can accumulate on the thighs, making you look fat, older and less fit than you actually are. Sagging skin on the thighs can also make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. While some people achieve good results with vigorous exercise and diet plans, others find it difficult or even impossible to tone their thighs. Fortunately, thigh lift is a potentially ideal form of surgery, as it is an excellent way to achieve firmer and more attractive upper legs.

The procedure:

A thigh lift procedure involves the removal of excess skin, fat, and tissue to tone and refine the upper legs. The thigh lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The incisions are placed in the most discreet areas, for both outer and inner thighs. The outer thigh lift is often combined with a tummy tuck for the scars located in the lower abdomen. The size of incisions will depend on the extent of the procedure and the amount of excess skin present. Through these incisions, the surgeon will tighten and remove the excess skin, smooth out any fatty deposits present, and contour the thigh for an improved overall appearance.

As with most of the body contouring procedures, thigh lift recovery can also be quite intensive. The Patient will have to wear a compression garment following surgery for several weeks with a downtime of at least two to three weeks. While light activities such as gentle walking is encouraged as soon as the patient is comfortable, more strenuous activities are to be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks.

What thigh lift surgery can’t do?

Thigh lifts are not intended for excess fat removal as a procedure. If that is what you are looking for then Liposuction is your way to body contouring.

In cases where skin elasticity is poor, a thigh lift along with liposuction might be recommended.

Who is a candidate?

The candidates for thigh lift are:

People with a relatively stable weight

Those who struggle with loose, excess skin as a result of weight loss

People with excess soft tissue along the inner and/or the outer thigh region

People who are healthy and do not have any medical conditions that impair healing process

Individuals who do not smoke.

People with a positive outlook and realistic goals form the thigh lift surgery

People who are committed to leading a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and fitness

Why choose Nova?

At Nova cosmetic surgery centre, we utilize the ground breaking arm lift surgery as an effective way to improve your appearance. We have extensive experience in all forms of body contouring and fat reduction. Our goal is to make your experience as stress-free as possible, and give everything in our power to ensure you achieve your desired outcome with exceptional care. Our approach is unlike any others, combining holistic cosmetic and anti-aging procedures for an overall improvement of life.

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